Learn the five secrets to keeping your crawl space pipes from freezing during the cold winter months. There are five inexpensive ways to keeping your crawl space dry and your pipes from bursting.
Insulation in any room is an important consideration which can not only save you energy and thus money, but which can also help to make your rooms more comfortable and cosy and even reduce excess noise. When we think of insulation in a room we tend to think of obvious features such as wall cavity insulation and double glazing, but in fact there are many, many different ways to increase a room’s ability to contain sound and heat. Here we will look at some of the most effective ways to insulate your living room and some of…
helical screw piles over concrete foundation
helical screw piles through concrete wall
Helical piers are designed to work like giant screws. They are often used by foundation repair specialists to stabilize sinking or settling foundations.
A wet basement can ruin the beauty of your home as well as harm the foundation structure. So, find out its causes and opt for solutions that guarantee results. A long-lasting solution to the problem of a wet basement is waterproofing.
Leaky basements indicate the grim health of your home. Protect the structural integrity of your home and avoid basement flooding by contacting an experienced waterproofing contractor.
Related Information: Best 12 Screw Pile Installation Near Me Edmonton Alberta Canada T5A 1P5
helical screw piles pre construction
Finding a foundation repair expert may be difficult. This article will provide you with tips for examining your foundation for cracks as well as choosing a contractor.
There it is! Your dream home sits there before your very eyes. You found just about everything you ever wanted and it’s in a great location. The house passed inspection. You’ve worked, sacrificed, and saved to make a down payment. You’ve jumped through the hoops and moved Heaven and Earth to make it a reality. What else could you possibly need to do before signing on the dotted line and walking into your dream?
The first step in dealing with wet basements is finding a qualified and reputable basement waterproofing contractor. Find out what you should look for when you’re searching for basement contractors so that you get someone who can do the work quickly, efficiently, and to a high standard.
Buyer beware! When you need basement waterproofing or foundation repairs for basement leaks you need professional help. As a waterproofing contractor we provide advice on how you can weed out companies likely to give you grief and help you select the right company that will do the job right, the first time.
helical screw piles unlike a house
In wet and cold seasons such as winter many home owners have to deal with basement problems. This is perhaps when most of them realize that there are cracks and water seepage; this gives a clear indication that water is getting into the basement and if no remedial action is taken the problem only becomes worse.
In the building industry they say that waterproofing is 1.8% of construction costs but accounts for 83% of building defect complaints! It’s essential that you choose the right waterproofing contractors.
The main function of a good foundation for your house is that it transfers the weight of the structure evenly on the soil. Improper foundation setting is one of the main factors for needing a foundation repair service done later on. Bad foundation footing can cause houses to tilt on its side or even collapse once the pressure is too great for it to handle.
helical screw piles like a boat
Homeowners shy away from calling a waterproofing contractor because they believe that a waterproofing project will put a financial burden on them. But, if you understand the factors that affect the cost of a waterproofing project, you will be able to create a reasonable budget for it.
Foundation is the lowest part of a structure which provides a base for the super structure proper. This term includes the portion of the structure below the ground level as well as the artificial arrangement of concrete block, piles, raft, grillage, etc. provided to transmit the loads on the structure including the dead weight of the structure itself to the soil below.
When building a home or business there are many important factors to consider. One thing you must decide on is how durable you want the structure to be. Do you want it to last 10 years or much more?
Much as it is tucked away, the basement of any home or other buildings must be ventilated properly. Standard number 62.1 of 2010, (Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality) set by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning (ASHRAE) demands so (similar standards apply in Australia). The alternative to natural ventilation is using mechanical devices. There are two popular ones: Fans and vents. Here is how they operate:
Foundations are critical to the integrity of a home or building. A cracked foundation can signal an impending collapse especially if an earthquake disrupts the ground. Having a foundation inspected every several years can save homeowners money in the long run. Having foundations repaired and re-leveled before putting a property on the market can increase the value of the property significantly.
helical screw piles off road
Mold – it is a health risk waiting to happen and can be disastrous to your home. Preventing mold from spreading is an important thing to think about as a homeowner. One of the best ways to do this is by foundation waterproofing. Surprisingly, mold makes up about 25 percent of the earth’s entire biomass. The spores of mold move like seeds, floating around in the air hoping to land in an area that has high vegetation and high water concentration.
Installing a flawless waterproofing system is not a DIY job. You need an experienced waterproofing contractor to take care of it. But, your job doesn’t end by hiring the contractor. Stay alert and avoid the common waterproofing mistakes.
helical screw piles between driveways
I was recently talking to a neighbor of mine who was having some pretty extensive foundation repair done on his home. As he watched the crew from afar, I walked over and asked how he & family were doing. Part of me felt a little silly asking him about how he was doing, so I half-expected him to cut his eyes at me & rightfully so. When he turned to answer me, the amount of calm in his eyes took me by surprise.
Dealing with basement repairs has never been a walk in the park especially if you have to do it after some natural disaster or any form of emergency. There are many things that can damage the foundations of your house such as fires, floods, too much vegetation, poor drainage systems or gutters that are fixed badly to name just but a few.
If you are experiencing structural damage in your building’s structure, the implications could be dire. Therefore, instead of estimating on your own, you should seek comprehensive advice from foundation repair specialist. Someone who has a positive distinction in this business, operating in your area of residence can diagnose your foundation problems with professionalism and expertise.