Fri. May 17th, 2024

Many homeowners see signs of foundation problems but, do not address the issue. This article will help you identify your foundation problem and find a solution.

To keep basements clean and dry, the installation of basement waterproofing products will certainly help. Contact a local basement waterproofing contractor for more information about keeping a basement free of mold, mildew, and rust.

helical screw piles until foundation

helical screw piles beneath driveway

The state of Florida has an annual average rainfall of about 50 inches. That’s over four feet of water! This means that the ground is heavy with water for a good part of the year. Now, ground water can be both beneficial and detrimental.

Homeowners consider waterproofing paint as the most common remedy for the problem of water seepage. But, the paint is not a durable solution to wet basement. Here’s why you should consider contacting a waterproofing contractor before buying waterproofing paint at the local home-improvement store.

What is it that that sets basement underpinning apart from other home improvement projects you ask? To answer that question in a nutshell, pretty much everything. There is no single thing about lowering your basement that is overwhelming. Taken separately, all aspects of the job are manageable and can be handled. However, collectively the process of lowering a basement to get some extra head space can become quite a headache.

helical screw piles than concrete

Wood defects and inadequate mid-span support are often to blame when floors sag or bounce above a crawl space foundation. Foundation repair specialists have the repair expertise to restore floor strength, stability and flatness.

When it comes to a home foundation problem requiring some type of home foundation repair, the culprit is almost always defined in one word. Water! Water can operate in different modes to create a house foundation problem, either by causing expansion or contraction in the soil below or by intrusion through the foundation creating a moisture problem inside the home. Of course, when a home foundation buckles or heaves due to soil expansion or contraction underneath, the resulting cracks and heaves become water intrusion points.

Neglecting your home’s foundation can cause significant problems indeed. If you find cracks or even more serious problems in your home’s foundation, you need to have them repaired immediately. Finding the right foundation repair contractor is imperative to getting the job done right.

If you have issues with the foundation or ground of your surfaces around your house, you may find yourself worrying about how you will get them fixed. In fact, your fears may be so strong that you do not even consider getting help for this issue. If you allow the foundation or concrete to continue to crack and sink in, you may be faced with rocky or broken surfaces. Do not allow the cracking to continue, but choose to get it fixed today.

helical screw piles pro con

Water is surprisingly damaging to a home. Rain water that continually falls off a roof and pools around the foundation of a home can have very harmful long term effects! That is why gutters on a home are very important.

Helical piers, also known as helical piles, screw piles and helical anchors, help secure new foundations to the ground. They can also be used to strengthen and stabilize existing foundations. The word “helix” means having a spiral shape.

This is a job that many homeowners are able to do themselves but if not, there are many businesses that will take care of the problem. The reason that it is necessary to do crawlspace waterproofing is to reduce the water and insect damage to your home. It will also help to get rid of the musty smelling odor you can sometimes smell in your home but are not sure where it is coming from.

helical screw piles before and after pictures

A marina construction is necessary to hold your watercrafts. You can only make the most of your waterfront property with a marina to hold these docks and vessels.

Given the numerous benefits of protecting a home with basement waterproofing, it’s strange that only a small percentage of homeowners actually go through the process each year. A properly sealed basement causes a home’s value to rise, so it’s sad that not all homes are waterproofed.

Many people only think about their chimneys during the winter months, but it’s critical to keep an eye on the structural integrity of a home’s chimney throughout each season of the year. Of course, the condition on the inside of a chimney is the thing most people think about; or, perhaps there is concern over the masonry and brickwork. But it’s important to understand that a chimney’s condition can also tell a great deal about the condition of the foundation of the home. When a chimney tilts or leans away from a home, it’s not necessarily a sign that the chimney itself is failing. Rather, it tends to indicate that there are shifting soils and settlement occurring beneath the home.

What causes foundation failure? What makes foundations weaken and lead to cracks in walls and floors, doors and windows that won’t open, stairs that come away from the front porch and chimneys that separate from the house? There are six main causes for foundation failure, poor construction is only one of them. Four of the top causes for foundation failure are soil related.

It doesn’t matter how expensive or fancy your home is; if it doesn’t have a solid foundation, it can easily be ruined. Unfortunately, foundation repairs can often become very expensive in just a short amount of time, even for the most minor of problems that can occur. For this reason, it is essential for you, as a homeowner, to do everything you can to protect your home’s foundation from becoming damaged.

Screw Pile Foundation

helical screw piles underneath deck

I was recently talking to a neighbor of mine who was having some pretty extensive foundation repair done on his home. As he watched the crew from afar, I walked over and asked how he & family were doing. Part of me felt a little silly asking him about how he was doing, so I half-expected him to cut his eyes at me & rightfully so. When he turned to answer me, the amount of calm in his eyes took me by surprise.

Foundation problems can not only result in costly repairs, but also reduce the value of your home. By the time many building owners realize they have foundation issues, the structural damage that needs to be fixed is extensive.

helical piers vs piles

Foundation repair is sometimes a necessary evil in the health of a home. Discusses the causes of foundation problems and the best solutions and advantages for each.

You will not have to worry about selling your home if you have a bad foundation because you won’t be able to. People know that homes with bad foundations are on the road to self destruction. To have this checked on you will need an engineer and a contractor.

The main function of a good foundation for your house is that it transfers the weight of the structure evenly on the soil. Improper foundation setting is one of the main factors for needing a foundation repair service done later on. Bad foundation footing can cause houses to tilt on its side or even collapse once the pressure is too great for it to handle.

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