Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

When it comes to basement waterproofing, don’t risk damage to your health and property with a DIY job. Your local basement contractors can offer specialized tools and a variety of foundation repair services to ensure that your basement is safe and dry well into the future.

Summer’s dry months are actually the best time to get your basement waterproofed. That way you’ll be ready before wet basement issues crop up again!

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helical screw piles between foundation and foundation

Residential and light duty applications use more helical piers than any other use. But that doesn’t mean they cannot serve in industrial or commercial capacities. It is a little known fact that there are certain helical piers specifically designed for much heavier loading. There are a number of specifications that allow helicals to meet greater challenges.

Helical piers have been used since the early 1800’s. Learn how their use was expanded and the technology was improved.

A wet basement can be one of the worst problems you can have in your house. It fosters mold and mildew growth that can lead to health problems. Water from the basement can also seep into the walls of your house and weaken its foundations. This poses a danger to your family and reduces the overall value of your home, one that can only be fixed with…

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When building a home or business there are many important factors to consider. One thing you must decide on is how durable you want the structure to be. Do you want it to last 10 years or much more?

Cracks in your home’s basement? Foundational cracks and structural issues can cost you dear in home repairs. Here’s a guide on how to detect the minor cracks in your house’s foundation and necessary steps before the problem is aggravated.

In wet and cold seasons such as winter many home owners have to deal with basement problems. This is perhaps when most of them realize that there are cracks and water seepage; this gives a clear indication that water is getting into the basement and if no remedial action is taken the problem only becomes worse.

Usage of interior sealants in basement waterproofing has always had its share of positives and negatives. While some people prefer the use of sealants, others detest them!

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Drilling rigs are essential tools of the trade for many industries. They generate powerful forces through mechanical, electric and hydraulic means.

This article will give you an insight to using Polymer Injection as a means to repair your foundation. It will also give you helpful tips to finding a reputable contractor who will fix your foundation the first time.

If your home is experiencing foundation settlement, you may ask yourself: “Can I sell my home?” The short answer is almost always “no.” There are several reasons.

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Dealing with a wet basement can be a stressful experience for every house owner. It is a common problem that most house owners deal with regularly. Water can enter your basement through foundation cracks and basement wall leaks, leading to mold/mildew, foul odor and weak foundation.

Really? Do chimneys tip? Most assuredly they do–and in surprising numbers. How could that happen, and should I be concerned? Chimneys are heavy and can be dangerous.

Rain guards are the best thing that you can do for your home. You will be able to avoid foundation cracking and siding from rotting by doing proper routine maintenance. The purpose of a rain guard is to prevent any damage to your house or property so it is mandatory to maintain them or else it’s like there’s nothing even there.

Neglecting your home’s foundation can cause significant problems indeed. If you find cracks or even more serious problems in your home’s foundation, you need to have them repaired immediately. Finding the right foundation repair contractor is imperative to getting the job done right.

Periodic inspections of your home’s foundation can help prevent structural damage and the need for costly repairs. Homeowners should conduct their own inspections whenever possible…

Screw Piles Deck

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Living at the beach can be tough right? Well, not really. But it could be hard on your foundation.

Earthquake retrofit is a process used in construction to make the house strong during natural calamities. The aim of doing earthquake retrofit is to make the structure tough against earthquakes and various seismic activities.

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If you are like me, when you run into a problem you want to get it taken care of right away before the issue has a chance to become larger and gets to the point that it is overwhelming. If you are a home owner, then you have probably become like this instinctively. If you haven’t yet, you better change your ways now because if you are not ready to take control of a problem in your home as soon as it comes up, you could pay a heavy price later in repair costs.

There it is! Your dream home sits there before your very eyes. You found just about everything you ever wanted and it’s in a great location. The house passed inspection. You’ve worked, sacrificed, and saved to make a down payment. You’ve jumped through the hoops and moved Heaven and Earth to make it a reality. What else could you possibly need to do before signing on the dotted line and walking into your dream?

A wet basement can ruin the beauty of your home as well as harm the foundation structure. So, find out its causes and opt for solutions that guarantee results. A long-lasting solution to the problem of a wet basement is waterproofing.

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