Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

If the foundation of your home is weak, underpinning can strengthen it. But, before starting underpinning, take care of a few important factors to avoid headache.

Over the years, many homeowners have experienced the frustration of foundation problems and the costly repairs that correcting them entails. It has been said that 90% of all foundation issues and problems are attributed to three causes:

helical screw piles vs concrete cost

helical screw piles by paalupiste

One of the major issues faced by the people these days is the water getting into the basement of the houses leading to the dampening of the basement. It leads to a lot of health issues which is a major problem for the people living in the houses. This is the reason basement waterproofing services are very essential.

Homeowners consider waterproofing paint as the most common remedy for the problem of water seepage. But, the paint is not a durable solution to wet basement. Here’s why you should consider contacting a waterproofing contractor before buying waterproofing paint at the local home-improvement store.

This article will give you symptoms of foundation distress. It will also help you choose an effective foundation repair method.

helical screw piles until foundation

Whether you want a man cave or you want more living space for guests or new members of your household, basement remodeling can be an efficient, cost-effective way to reinvent your home. Here are some of the newest trends that you may want to incorporate into your project.

Helical piers, also known as helical piles, screw piles and helical anchors, help secure new foundations to the ground. They can also be used to strengthen and stabilize existing foundations. The word “helix” means having a spiral shape.

Waterproofing a basement is a critical step in protecting your investment and your family. The home’s foundation is one of the most important parts of your home and care must be taken to keep it in top condition.

Basement leaks may signal an urgent need for foundation repair or restoration. Not only can foundation cracks and leaks lead to further deterioration of your home’s structural support, they may also result in toxic mold growth and an increase in energy costs.

helical screw piles opposite way

Many homes across Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri have basement water problems. It is very important to address any of these problems immediately.

When most people hear the phrase basement waterproofing, they think there is some kind of special super paint that you can put on the walls and floor and it will stop water from coming into the home. This kind of “waterproofing” just puts a band-aid on a real trouble and is not a long-term answer.

I was recently talking to a neighbor of mine who was having some pretty extensive foundation repair done on his home. As he watched the crew from afar, I walked over and asked how he & family were doing. Part of me felt a little silly asking him about how he was doing, so I half-expected him to cut his eyes at me & rightfully so. When he turned to answer me, the amount of calm in his eyes took me by surprise.

helical screw piles below deck

Earthquake retrofit is a process used in construction to make the house strong during natural calamities. The aim of doing earthquake retrofit is to make the structure tough against earthquakes and various seismic activities.

If you notice any foundation problems it is best to tackle the issue head on before it gets worse. Finding the best foundation repair contractor may be difficult, this article will give you some helpful tips.

Sump pumps help in removing water from the basement. It is a boon for homeowners living in the rainiest regions of the nation. If you install a sump pump, take care of it as there is no use of owning a non-functional sump pump.

Among waterproofing contractors, and on the web, there are differing opinions as to which type of crack injection method (epoxy or polyurethane) is the best. To put an end to this controversy, I have written this brief synopsis as an objective and unbiased comparison of the characteristics of each type of crack injection.

Dealing with a wet basement can be a stressful experience for every house owner. It is a common problem that most house owners deal with regularly. Water can enter your basement through foundation cracks and basement wall leaks, leading to mold/mildew, foul odor and weak foundation.

Deck Piles

helical screw piles above garage

There are several competitive advantages for using helical piers versus other systems, especially when working with an existing building. Learn why so many engineers and builders require helical piers, and how they could help in your next project.

Insulation in any room is an important consideration which can not only save you energy and thus money, but which can also help to make your rooms more comfortable and cosy and even reduce excess noise. When we think of insulation in a room we tend to think of obvious features such as wall cavity insulation and double glazing, but in fact there are many, many different ways to increase a room’s ability to contain sound and heat. Here we will look at some of the most effective ways to insulate your living room and some of…

helical screw piles than concrete

Foundation waterproofing is a method in which a protective membrane is applied to the outside of the foundation wall to restrict water from entering the basement interior. It helps in keeping the interior area dry. Without this method, water can easily enter through the cracks in the foundation wall.

If you notice any foundation problems it is best to tackle the issue head on before it gets worse. Finding the best foundation repair contractor may be difficult, this article will give you some helpful tips.

Repairing your foundation can be a headache. This article will provide helpful tips for choosing a foundation repair contractor and method.

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