In wet and cold seasons such as winter many home owners have to deal with basement problems. This is perhaps when most of them realize that there are cracks and water seepage; this gives a clear indication that water is getting into the basement and if no remedial action is taken the problem only becomes worse.
Keeping mold out of the home is critical to insuring a healthy environment for all that live there. Since most mold and mildew problems originate in the lower level, the first major step in mold removal is basement waterproofing.
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This article will give you symptoms of foundation distress. It will also help you choose an effective foundation repair method.
Many homes across Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri have basement water problems. It is very important to address any of these problems immediately.
Cracks in your home’s basement? Foundational cracks and structural issues can cost you dear in home repairs. Here’s a guide on how to detect the minor cracks in your house’s foundation and necessary steps before the problem is aggravated.
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There it is! Your dream home sits there before your very eyes. You found just about everything you ever wanted and it’s in a great location. The house passed inspection. You’ve worked, sacrificed, and saved to make a down payment. You’ve jumped through the hoops and moved Heaven and Earth to make it a reality. What else could you possibly need to do before signing on the dotted line and walking into your dream?
This article will explain why foundations crack and repair methods to fix them. It will also give vital information on choosing a quality foundation repair contractor.
Everyone knows water is a life saver, well ask the people who face leaky roof, floods, monsoon or snow melting situation. I can assure they would say otherwise. But why? I have collected data that can introduce you to bad sides of the water. Give it a read and let me know what you fell or if I have missed something.
Basements are very common in homes throughout the world, but they are also a place where flooding takes place. Heavy rains, a faulty washing machine or a leak in the water pipes can all lead to an unwanted flooded basement.
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There are a variety of methods when you’re searching for ways to waterproof the interior walls of your basement: waterproofing drains, tiles, and various products. The price is varied really, but it’s important to fix up any water problems that have shown up as quickly and efficiently as possible, since this is the foundation of your house we’re talking about. So now that you understand a little bit about what’s out there, let’s talk about waterproofing products.
Aptly named, the foundation of your home is its core, its roots and its very heart. No wonder foundation liners, grading and keeping an eye on it is so important. If it gets damaged, it can be one of the costliest repairs you’ll ever face. Make sure all of these measures are in place immediately in order to avoid a disaster down the road:
There are many warning signs of a foundation problem. Be prepared so that you don’t have a major foundation repair in the future.
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Bench footing is a popular basement lowering technique as it is effortless in comparison to underpinning. It is cost effective and simple because it requires excavation not under, but around the foundation.
Living at the beach can be tough right? Well, not really. But it could be hard on your foundation.
Mold continues to invade homes across the country. The problem of mold is widespread, and it costs home and business owners millions of dollars each year to remedy the situation. Mold proliferates in a wet basement, which is why basement waterproofing is vital. Not only does removing a damp basement make a home healthier, it also increases its resell value. In fact, some home sales have fallen through after mold was discovered in the damp basement underneath the house.
There are only 3 ways that water enters your basement. However the solutions most contractors supply homeowners only address one of these areas. In order to solve your problem you must address all three areas to eliminate potential structural damage, water infiltration, mold, mildew, and a breeding ground for pest and termites.
Maybe you want to remodel your basement. Maybe you already have. Here’s some things you should know.
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Basement waterproofing and mold removal can be very expensive if done after a major disaster in your lower level. This is why it’s best to be on the lookout for problems BEFORE they happen. Here are seven signs to look for to determine if you might have a problem with water in your basement.
Roll out downspout extensions may help prevent soil erosion by redirecting water away from sensitive areas where it may collect, causing moisture and foundation damage to a home. Read on to learn more about this topic.
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Helical piers have been used since the early 1800’s. Learn how their use was expanded and the technology was improved.
This article will give you an insight to using Polymer Injection as a means to repair your foundation. It will also give you helpful tips to finding a reputable contractor who will fix your foundation the first time.
When a concrete foundation is poured, small cracks can appear as the cement dries and shrinks. Shrinkage cracks are vertical and extremely small. They typically appear on foundation walls, but do not affect the structural integrity of the home.