The stability of a home’s structure is directly dependent on the stability of the soil beneath it. Sadly, the soil on which homes are built is not always stable. When the soil begins to shift, a home’s foundation can become compromised. Though there are many factors that can contribute to a shifting foundation. The most common of these factors are unstable soils (especially clay rich soil), poor drainage and plumbing leaks, poor grading or compaction, and tree roots.
Most people like their homes. They are comfortable, generally private, and well, the places we like to be. But sometimes, being a homeowner is a bit less comfortable, specifically when we start to recognize problems and worry about repair costs. Unfortunately, instead of addressing the problems, we often ignore them, hoping they’ll go away. We conclude that they’re “normal” or “no big deal”. What should we do about those small cracks by the top corners of our windows or doors, the sloping floors, or the brick cracks? We’d much rather hide the visual evidence through caulking or filling cracks. Besides, aren’t foundations supposed to be rock solid? The unfortunate answer is “no”. Foundations move for several reasons.
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Everyone knows water is a life saver, well ask the people who face leaky roof, floods, monsoon or snow melting situation. I can assure they would say otherwise. But why? I have collected data that can introduce you to bad sides of the water. Give it a read and let me know what you fell or if I have missed something.
If the foundation of your home is weak, underpinning can strengthen it. But, before starting underpinning, take care of a few important factors to avoid headache.
Dealing with a wet basement can be a stressful experience for every house owner. It is a common problem that most house owners deal with regularly. Water can enter your basement through foundation cracks and basement wall leaks, leading to mold/mildew, foul odor and weak foundation.
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Providing the strongest backbone available for your home is the best way to ensure longevity and strength from the structure. Foundation support can be considered on residences either during the construction process or upon realizing your existing home may need the extra help. It is never too late to stop your home from spiraling down in to the soil beneath.
Increase the living space in your home by getting rid of uncomfortable basement. Underpinning and bench-footing are efficient basement lowering techniques to help you increase the height of your basement.
As a home owner, you should be vigilant and attend to every home maintenance problem immediately. If you want to avoid expensive repairs in the future, look for the telltale signs of foundation damage in your home.
I was recently talking to a neighbor of mine who was having some pretty extensive foundation repair done on his home. As he watched the crew from afar, I walked over and asked how he & family were doing. Part of me felt a little silly asking him about how he was doing, so I half-expected him to cut his eyes at me & rightfully so. When he turned to answer me, the amount of calm in his eyes took me by surprise.
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Excess water in your basement can severely damage your property. Learn how to identify the symptoms of a leaking basement and find out how a basement contractor can help.
People don’t take precautions that often when it comes to the foundation of their house. Repairs are extremely important when there is a problem because if it is ignored then it could crumble and collapse the entire house. Even if a foundation problem seems really minor, it should be fixed as soon as possible for you to keep the quality and the strength original.
Homeowners shy away from calling a waterproofing contractor because they believe that a waterproofing project will put a financial burden on them. But, if you understand the factors that affect the cost of a waterproofing project, you will be able to create a reasonable budget for it.
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If you own your own home, or are looking at purchasing a home, are you familiar with how well it is constructed? Most people make the mistake of focusing on the wrong items when home shopping, just like when purchasing a car. Yes, living space is important to consider, but home construction can really make a difference in how much hair you have left from stress 2 years later!
Basement waterproofing is becoming increasingly popular as homeowners are converting their basements from storage to living space. This article explores popular methods of waterproofing basement walls externally.
Ever wondered who you’re supposed to call when your home’s foundation is experiencing various issues? Or, maybe you’re wondering how repairs are actually done. One Connecticut foundation repair expert answers your questions.
If signs of foundation failure appear on the perimeter walls of your home (whether inside or out), you’ll need a professional. If your house is built on a crawl space and the symptoms of settlement appear on interior walls, there’s a chance you can do it yourself. But before you dive in, consider that most professional estimates are free of charge.
Basements are very common in homes throughout the world, but they are also a place where flooding takes place. Heavy rains, a faulty washing machine or a leak in the water pipes can all lead to an unwanted flooded basement.
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Usage of interior sealants in basement waterproofing has always had its share of positives and negatives. While some people prefer the use of sealants, others detest them!
My story about detecting smells in my basement that you just know are expensive smells. I ignored them for a while but when matters got worse I then had to call in the Contractors. I pick 3 Contractors and was pleasantly suprised at the results.
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When the foundation of a house cracks, the earth can literally move beneath a homeowner’s feet. A house can shift and sink several feet, and so a foundation crack is a problem that must be fixed as soon as possible.
Bench footing is a popular basement lowering technique as it is effortless in comparison to underpinning. It is cost effective and simple because it requires excavation not under, but around the foundation.
Basements can be place of total relaxation and can hold fun memories with friends and families. With such a place and the benefits it can give to the rest of the members of the household, basements should be then taken care of as it is also a part of the house that we live in.