Whether you are looking to improve the space within your home for a sale or simply for your own enjoyment, the basement is often the last area of the house to be considered for renovation. Don’t allow your basement to become a storage area and wasted space! There are many innovative and unique ideas available today that can allow you to transform this previously unused space into something fun, enjoyable, comfortable and of your own style and taste.
Concrete foundation repair can come about due to the slabs settling and moving as a result of what is below them. Clay and soil have to be carefully prepared before any building work can be undertaken upon the surface. So if this work was carried out badly, or not enough research was undertaken before building, the concrete can only fail.
helical screw piles vs concrete piers
helical piers vs piles
Have you ever come home and found your basement and the contents floating away? If so you know all about how badly water can damage your belongings and most importantly all about water damage restoration. There are many different reasons basements flood.
There are many reasons that foundations can fail – anything that causes a foundation to move can have a detrimental affect on it. Lateral pressure, and differential settlement (over total settlement), are two major categories of foundation failure, and are what cause homeowners to call in the foundation repair service.
When the foundation of a house cracks, the earth can literally move beneath a homeowner’s feet. A house can shift and sink several feet, and so a foundation crack is a problem that must be fixed as soon as possible.
Related Information: Top 6 Screw Pile Installation Services Near Edmonton Alberta Canada T5A 1J6
helical screw piles before period
Misconceptions about foundation repair can cost homeowners thousands of dollars that they don’t need to spend. Clearing up a few of the most common misconceptions can help homeowners avoid hundreds in unnecessary expenses.
If you think that your home can’t have water issues because it’s newer, think again. It doesn’t matter what kind of foundation you have or how big the gutters are. If your basement is placed in a dug out hole in the ground, that’s all the criteria you need to be eligible for it to take water.
As your home ages and settles, damage to the foundation of your basement is inevitable. The first step in repair should begin assessing what caused the damage and how severe it is. Before you fix the damaged foundation, you need to repair what caused it. If it is a minor repair, you should be able to fix it. If it is a large repair job, it is best to hire a contractor that is licensed to do this type of job.
If every rainstorm leads to puddles in your basement, or if the room feels damp and humid year-round, it’s time to look into basement waterproofing. Depending on how your building is constructed and what you want to spend, you have an array of options.
helical screw piles after rain
Dealing with a wet basement can be a stressful experience for every house owner. It is a common problem that most house owners deal with regularly. Water can enter your basement through foundation cracks and basement wall leaks, leading to mold/mildew, foul odor and weak foundation.
The recent real estate market has been one of the worst for sellers since the Great Depression. The collapse that began in 2007 has lasted a good half a decade – far longer than many believed. But now things are starting to turn around. Inventories are lower, interest rates are at record lows, and sellers are finally starting to get better prices for their homes..
Almost any material, in any density can bend or buckle. Even if the circumstances that cause buckling are rare, it’s important to understand the limitations of the materials we use. With that being said, is buckling a concern for helical piers?
helical screw piles after rain
Finding a foundation repair expert may be difficult. This article will provide you with tips for examining your foundation for cracks as well as choosing a contractor.
Concrete is everywhere! Roads, sidewalks, houses, bridges, skyscrapers, canals, dams, patios are built using concrete; it’s the most frequently used material in construction. It’s all natural, it’s friendly to the environment, and it’s been around since 500 BC. It deserves a close look for a better understanding.
Many times your basement does not have the ventilation that the rest of your home does so it is very easy to have microbes such as mildew and mold start to grow in your basement. The environment of your basement is usually damp and humid so it is not unusual to see basement mold growing on the walls, in the insulation, in the carpets, on the floor, and other places.
Foundations that have been cracked by water can be repaired. It is best, of course, to take preventative measures to stop this problem before it begins. However, cement does expand and contract with warm and cold weather, so in some cases it is hard to protect against mother nature. Find out what your repair options are and how to protect your home from water damage in this article.
Foundation repairs are best addressed as soon as the damage is discovered. It’s important to contact a specialist contractor instead of a general home remodeling contractor to perform the appropriate repairs.
helical screw piles than steel
Your home is only as strong as its foundation. This article will tell you the signs of a foundation problem and methods of repair.
Laminate and vinyl flooring had been a longstanding popular choice for homeowners all over the world. It is cheaper than tiling and easier to maintain than wood flooring. This makes it a great choice for anybody who is looking to re-floor their kitchen, bathroom or utility room.
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Mold – it is a health risk waiting to happen and can be disastrous to your home. Preventing mold from spreading is an important thing to think about as a homeowner. One of the best ways to do this is by foundation waterproofing. Surprisingly, mold makes up about 25 percent of the earth’s entire biomass. The spores of mold move like seeds, floating around in the air hoping to land in an area that has high vegetation and high water concentration.
Basement waterproofing is not only important to protect your home but it’s also important for your health. Find out some of the things most people don’t realize about how harmful poor basement waterproofing can be to your family’s health.
In this article we examine the reasons behind retrofitting and the benefits of doing this process to your home. We also look at specific examples of people who benefit from retrofitting and how retrofitting protects your home from damage.