Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Moving into your first home is a great experience simply because you feel about as grown up as you might ever feel (aside from parenthood). While the exhilaration of this rite of passage may be what’s making each packing box easier to carry, it’s things like advanced foundation repair that can be the cold water in your face you don’t want to think about. Who would blame you, right?

Inspecting buildings over the past ten to fifteen years, we have noticed more and more property damage resulting from exposure to moisture. These observations have reinforced our belief that ventilation is one of the homeowner’s best friends when it comes to limiting property damage due to moisture, mold, and even termites.

helical screw piles along trails

helical screw piles after concrete is poured

Are you looking for a masonry contractor to build a beautiful fireplace or a patio? If you want your home building project to be a success, you must ensure that the masonry contractor has adequate skill and experience to handle your requirements.

Constructing a house is difficult, but maintaining it is a bigger and a time consuming challenge. As a house owner, you have to make sure that you safeguard your investment so that you can enjoy comfort and peace.

Fibreglass insulation is extremely popular with the DIY market for several reasons. Firstly, it’s readily available at all large home improvement stores; secondly, it’s cheap; and thirdly, it’s a lightweight material that’s easy to work with and simple to remove and replace. Your basement or cellar is very different than any other room in your home.


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Foundations that have been cracked by water can be repaired. It is best, of course, to take preventative measures to stop this problem before it begins. However, cement does expand and contract with warm and cold weather, so in some cases it is hard to protect against mother nature. Find out what your repair options are and how to protect your home from water damage in this article.

People don’t take precautions that often when it comes to the foundation of their house. Repairs are extremely important when there is a problem because if it is ignored then it could crumble and collapse the entire house. Even if a foundation problem seems really minor, it should be fixed as soon as possible for you to keep the quality and the strength original.

You might not have previously considered waterproofing your personal basement. Still it may be a smart idea to start considering it now. You might not find any kind of problems throughout the hot summer season, however when the wet season gets there, you are going to undoubtedly start noticing the issues that a good un-waterproofed basement may bring!

Insulation in any room is an important consideration which can not only save you energy and thus money, but which can also help to make your rooms more comfortable and cosy and even reduce excess noise. When we think of insulation in a room we tend to think of obvious features such as wall cavity insulation and double glazing, but in fact there are many, many different ways to increase a room’s ability to contain sound and heat. Here we will look at some of the most effective ways to insulate your living room and some of…


helical screw piles post tension

The foundation of your house is an extremely essential part of it which ensures that all other parts hold together and, as such, must remain intact all the time. However, there are different factors that can cause damage to the foundation such as leakages at the basement or other problems concerning the house’s entire stability. Since you want to avoid problems that could cause your house to collapse, foundation repair becomes inevitable and at such times, it is important to make sure the work is done by professionals.

A leaky or flooded basement is more than just an inconvenience. A wet and leaking basement has always ranked highest as the home improvement problem. Whether you are a buyer, seller or the owner of a home, wet basements is always a concern.

Floods come and go. Learn the 15 secrets to minimizing the damage to your home when a flood comes to your home and save thousands in home damage.


helical screw piles beneath driveway

We may find basement waterproofing expensive. Due to that reason, we usually just ignore the problem caused when your basement is not waterproofed. Ignoring them won’t make the problem go away, instead, it only makes them worst.

Flooding can often result in electrical fires causing home owners to be hit with double whammy home repairs. Homes that have suffered from flooding will often experience electrical fires and fire damage, as well, adding to the repairs facing the homeowners. But homeowners can recover after flooding and fire damage with the next tips.

Most people realize that basement waterproofing protects a home from flooding in their lower level, but there are other potential benefits as well. Here are five of them.

The helical screwpile is a versatile, environmentally friendly and cost-effective technology. It has many uses across such industries as transport, communications and civil engineering.

Foundation waterproofing is a method in which a protective membrane is applied to the outside of the foundation wall to restrict water from entering the basement interior. It helps in keeping the interior area dry. Without this method, water can easily enter through the cracks in the foundation wall.

Screw Pile Installation Services

helical screw piles upon piles

Basement waterproofing is a way for you to put a stop to water going inside your home through your lower level. Most people who use this method are the ones who have homes that are situated in an area where the ground water takes on a lot of hydrostatic pressure. This force is the one that pushes…

Seeing cracks in the house’s foundation is one of the biggest concerns for every house owner. Small and minor cracks are not alarming. Major cracks need to be checked immediately.

helical screw piles mid atlantic

House leveling is a process of returning the home to its original location. The first step is to prevent anymore sinking from occurring. There are various methods of accomplishing this. Concrete piles can be used to solidify the foundation of the home. The foundation will lie on the concrete piles offering a secure platform, but there will be little shifting of the home back towards its original place. Screw piers or helical piers are also used to stop further sinking of certain areas of your home like porches, decks, or garages. Screw piers shouldn’t be used to stabilize the home because they’re not manufactured to secure heavy structures. Push piers or mini piles are another method of securing your homes foundation and lifting it to its original location. The push piers are hydraulic and can be shifted upward to lift the home.

A wet basement can be a trouble for home owners. There are many waterproofing methods that can take care of water seepage. But, remember one size doesn’t fit all. Only a basement waterproofing contractor can solve your dilemma and help you choose the right method for your home.

There are many reasons why you might encounter water in your basement. Anything from a wash machine malfunctioning to a sewer pipe broken under your floor. Other times it is your foundation or floor at blame.

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