Sat. May 18th, 2024

Deep foundation piers are useful in most areas of Michigan. But aren’t there any soils that are totally stable? One could say a tentative yes. But Michigan soils are so varied and each soil type can take on so many consistencies that every site requires a specific test and/or evaluation.

Imagine waking up, walking to the top of your basement steps, and seeing a tsunami just hit down below. Not quite what you wanted to see, but it happens to a lot of us! Flooding can be caused by broken pipes, leaky roofs, damaged walls, and many other possibilities. To every problem, there is always a solution, but which method should you choose?

helical screw piles before period

helical screw piles down to the ground

What causes foundation failure? What makes foundations weaken and lead to cracks in walls and floors, doors and windows that won’t open, stairs that come away from the front porch and chimneys that separate from the house? There are six main causes for foundation failure, poor construction is only one of them. Four of the top causes for foundation failure are soil related.

Laminate and vinyl flooring had been a longstanding popular choice for homeowners all over the world. It is cheaper than tiling and easier to maintain than wood flooring. This makes it a great choice for anybody who is looking to re-floor their kitchen, bathroom or utility room.

Floods come and go. Learn the 15 secrets to minimizing the damage to your home when a flood comes to your home and save thousands in home damage.

helical screw piles against concrete

If you ever have any questions about the condition of the basement in a home you are considering purchasing, always defer to a professional. Home buyers should always try to schedule an inspection after a good rain for the basement, roof and other possible entry points like doors and windows.

A chemical vapor deposited polymer is known as Parylene Coating. It is a normal polymer coated with vacuum deposit. This comes with a good moisture barrier and enhances the insulation characteristics.

Knowing what is happening below your foundation is the first step to having it repaired. Whether it is a settlement issue or a bowing wall, foundation repairs will make your home structurally sound again.

When you own a house, you always want it to be presentable and fabulous. You want your family to feel safe and protected in it, however, if the foundation is cracking; this will be difficult to feel. So, citizens of America, if your foundation is cracking or caving in; it may be time to contact a company that specializes in fixing foundations.

helical screw piles upon opening

Many homes across Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri have basement water problems. It is very important to address any of these problems immediately.

A wet basement can be a trouble for home owners. There are many waterproofing methods that can take care of water seepage. But, remember one size doesn’t fit all. Only a basement waterproofing contractor can solve your dilemma and help you choose the right method for your home.

Many people ask, “What is dry rot in wood?” because, whilst they can understand the meaning of wet rot, dry rot seems a contradiction in terms. After all, if something is dry then it shouldn’t rot, should it?

helical screw piles amid stock

Helical piers, also known as helical piles, screw piles and helical anchors, help secure new foundations to the ground. They can also be used to strengthen and stabilize existing foundations. The word “helix” means having a spiral shape.

Basement lowering technique is one of the most sought-after options for increasing the height of the basement. But, it can also be used for strengthening the foundation of your home. Learn if you need to employ the technique for your home.

Water damage affects almost 85% of all homes. Closing out water from your home, with quality basement waterproofing products, will allow you to make use of every square inch of potential living space and keep your home structurally sound for years to come. Water inflowing an underground room is a common problem for poured concrete basements, block basements and especially rock basements. Closing out your basement will permit for an expanded living space or secure, waterless storeroom.

The recent real estate market has been one of the worst for sellers since the Great Depression. The collapse that began in 2007 has lasted a good half a decade – far longer than many believed. But now things are starting to turn around. Inventories are lower, interest rates are at record lows, and sellers are finally starting to get better prices for their homes..

If you have a home that has a basement, you need to know about the potential hazards that can occur within it. The basement is the foundation of the house and should be treated as such. Without a strong foundation, the house will crumble. Basements can get soggy, wet, and damp and this can cause the entire basement to begin to cave in.

Screw Pile Companies

helical screw piles pro tools

This article will give you an insight to using Polymer Injection as a means to repair your foundation. It will also give you helpful tips to finding a reputable contractor who will fix your foundation the first time.

If the foundation of your home is weak, underpinning can strengthen it. But, before starting underpinning, take care of a few important factors to avoid headache.

helical screw piles post tension

Learn the five secrets to keeping your crawl space pipes from freezing during the cold winter months. There are five inexpensive ways to keeping your crawl space dry and your pipes from bursting.

Foundations that have been cracked by water can be repaired. It is best, of course, to take preventative measures to stop this problem before it begins. However, cement does expand and contract with warm and cold weather, so in some cases it is hard to protect against mother nature. Find out what your repair options are and how to protect your home from water damage in this article.

If the foundation of your home is weak, underpinning can strengthen it. But, before starting underpinning, take care of a few important factors to avoid headache.

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