With the type of soil conditions found in and around the City of Champions, building a lasting and stable foundation for you project can be a challenge. Choosing helical piles to support the foundation of your project can be the answer. Engineered pilings are constructed with a hollow steel tube affixed with one or several helixes. These helical plates allow for a more effective bearing load capacity when soil can be problematic. During metal post installation, torque is monitored. If the instal
Screw Pile Foundation Contractors
Calgary Screw Pile Pros
Calgary Alberta Canada
Supporting Sources
Residential Screw Piles Spruce Grove Alberta
With the type of soil conditions found in and around the City of Champions, building a lasting and stable foundation for you project can be a challenge.
Choosing helical piles to support the foundation of your project can be the answer.
Engineered pilings are constructed with a hollow steel tube affixed with one or several helixes.
These helical plates allow for a more effective bearing load capacity when soil can be problematic.
During metal post installation, torque is monitored.
If the installation torque is unsatisfactory then extensions can be added to go deeper and provide greater support.
The Edmonton Screw Pile Pros are an Edmonton based screw pile installer.
Locally owned and operated by the Formstone Contracting family business.
We have the best and most experienced team of screw pile installers.
Our crews are fully insured and covered under WCB.
Having been a consistent and trusted contractor in the local construction industry for many years.
Ideal for residential decks, cantilevers, fences sheds and retaining walls there are many home project where screw-in foundations can be used.
Commercial builds often require cement slab support, tower anchors, sign support and support for light stands.
Finally industry applications light foundations for solar farms, wind farms, power transmission towers and modular building.
The economical versatility of helical piling foundations means the applications are endless.
Installing screw piles is fast, economical and non-invasive.
When installed with the right equipment, there is very little disturbance to the soil.
This means there is no excavating or backfill required and more foundation stability.
Trust the best, our install crews at The Edmonton Screw Pile Pros use only the right install equipment and drive heads.
This means when our people install your piles, the torque is properly applied and monitored.
Advantages Fast Installation.
With little preparation or cleanup required Immediate load bearing capacity.
Unlike concrete footings, the screw-anchors can be loaded immediately after installation Minimal ground disturbance.
As the posts do not displace the soil during installation.
The ground in which they are put into is not disturbed leaving the soil more stable Load Capacity Verification.
During installation the torque is monitored and recorded.
This indicates the soil condition in which the pilings are installed and indicated how much weight the screw pile can hold Increase Load Capacity.
In the field if the required installation torque is not met, helical plates or piling extensions can be added.
Going deeper with extensions or adding helical plates can increase the torque to meet the engineering specifications No Frost Heaving.
As all metal posts are installed well below the frost line with the load bearing helical plate typically at the deepest point.
Screw piles are resistant to frost heaving No excavating.
Because the posts simply twist into the soil there is no requirement to dig or drill any holes.
This saves time and money Helical piers, also known as helical piles, screw piles and helical anchors, help secure new foundations to the ground.
They can also be used to strengthen and stabilize existing foundations.
The word “helix” means having a spiral shape.
Foundation wall repair is a problem that many homeowners find can find them facing, though they aren’t always sure what should be done about it.
It’s a problem that shouldn’t be ignored because what starts out as a small crack can easily become a more serious problem if left unattended.
This article will outline the importance of foundation call repair, its causes and what a homeowner facing this problem can do in order to have it addressed as quickly as possible.
Anyone will tell you that the most important part of any structure is its foundation.
In order for the building to remain safe, it is vital to have a solid, well-built foundation.
So if your home or business is in need of foundation crack repair or basement drying, don’t hesitate to call a professional service provider to take care of the problem.
When it comes to protecting your home from foundation failure, cost is only one factor.
Spending money on ineffective foundation repair methods or with an unqualified contractor can cost you and your home dearly.
Independent professional engineers are bound to supply you with the information you need to repair your home correctly and even oversee the work being performed.
Knowing what is happening below your foundation is the first step to having it repaired.
Whether it is a settlement issue or a bowing wall, foundation repairs will make your home structurally sound again.
Screw Pile Foundation Contractors
Calgary Screw Pile Pros
Calgary Alberta Canada